Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Amazing little Eucalyptus tree!

I thought it would be fun to collectively watch our little tree grow.  We planted it two weeks ago on October 11th, Columbus Day weekend.  That's funny isn't it, because I mentioned that nobody celebrates that holiday here and didn't we go and plant a tree!  

Now, anyone that knows me, knows that I love trees but I never dreamed that I'd live somewhere that I could have a Eucalyptus right in my own back yard........amazing!  In case you aren't familiar with this little has a beautiful smelling leaf and it's color is very unique as well, probably best described as a sage to blue spruce color.  Very nice against the other greens in the surrounding area. You can see that Arborvitae in the background but you can only see a glimpse of that beautiful Deodar Cedar off to the left.  That should grow up to about 70 ft.  That makes me laugh out loud (wish you were here to hear me now........lolol) only because my brother-in-law tells me that almost everything I like is going to be 70-75 ft. tall!!!

Here's the general rule of thumb that all the arborists that I know use ...... oh yes people.....I am versed in these matters you know....

first year sleeps....second year creeps.......third year leaps!!

I'll keep you, shall we say, POSTED, on it's progress.  

Just in case you aren't familiar with this tree, here is the description:
eucalyptus |ˌyoōkəˈliptəs| (also eucalypt |ˈyoōkəˌlipt|)noun ( pl. -tuses or -ti |-tī|)a fast-growing evergreen Australasian tree that has been widely introduced elsewhere. It is valued for its timber, oil, gum, and resin, and as an ornamental tree. Also called gum , gum tree • GenusEucalyptus, family Myrtaceae: numerous species.• (also eucalyptus oilthe oil from eucalyptus leaves, chiefly used for its medicinal properties.

Did you see that word timber?  Wow, maybe we'd better brush up on our pruning skills during it's first year nap time......what do you think?

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