Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some Sneaky Schnauzer Story!

Awhhhh! doesn't she look so soft and sweet and innocent though?
I don't know..........but it's amazing to think you can trust your family dog and then find out that she's on your computer when you're not home.................what is this world coming to!!!! Here's what I found when I got home from the grocery store the other day:

Hi Mommy & Daddy,

Whew!!! they keep me so busy here that a girl can hardly rest SO I figured I'd better send you this picture. I do have a job here (even though it IS self-imposed)....I have got to keep an eye on all the birds and make sure that they're all eating their food. Boy, I can tell you, they EAT!! Truthfully, it's a bit discouraging to realize that I, their very own granddog, doesn't eat as much as these birds. I did see my first ever Baltimore Oriole (male) yesterday.  I could "give a bird's beak"..........let me at 'em and I'll show you how he'll sing!!!  Don't tell gramma but you know what..............I think she was more excited about him than watching the Inauguration. ha ha ha

Oh, one more thing mommy and daddy..........if you ever hear gramma OR grampa tell you how nice some guy named Larry is NOT true. I don't know what they see in that man, but I tell you, I can't stand him. I tell him that the whole time he's here too!! Gramma stayed with me upstairs this morning and I was glad. Well........not exactly.........I would have been REAL glad if they let me in the living room so I could keep yelling at him until he left. I overheard that he's coming tomorrow at 8:30 AGAIN ..........So what if the fireplace looks more beautiful now............he's a creep. He told me today that "it's ok Lilly, you're just doin' your job"...............nice try buster I said to won't work......I still don't like you. Gramma put me on my back (you you do sometimes) well, it did not make me feel any better.

Sorrry!!! sorrry!!!!
Little Lady Lilly xoxo

THEN, the very next day............

Hi, it's me Lilly:)

Are you still missing me? I sure hope so, cuz I can't smell you from here and I don't like that....lic..lic lic....How is Florida?     It's beautiful here today and ya' know what?
Gramma took me with her to get Grampa and guess where I pooped? You guessed ,didn't you.....right in the common area in our Village. They took me for a walk (so I could pick up my P-mail) up to that square with the park thingy in the know the place I mean?? Sometimes we go over there when we're coming back from the Village and we've gone up those big stairs that I climb.

Well, everything WAS going just fine until we got to the edge of the little park and you won't believe it but there were THREE Border Collies playing Frisbee with their lady owner and before I knew it, two of them were trying to sniff my butt. YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!!!
Gramma was holding my leash and we stood real still because she was certain that the lady was going to call them back to her. That lady didn't even call them over to her or anything and guessed it again.........I simply HAD to yell like crazy at them but don't worry mommy......
......I wasn't the only one yelling....Grampa yelled really loud at the lady and told her to get her dogs away from me..........Gramma just turned around and walked us the other way. I think Grampa saved me but it was questionable for a minute there.

I think Gramma is still trying to figure out why I just HAD to yell so loud at those dogs but I figured I'd better tell you myself .......oh and just in case she happens to mention it to you........Sorrry, sorry mommy! I'll never try....oops I mean I'll try never to do that again.

We're at our happy house again and we're gonna watch a video early cuz Grampa's got to get up before 4 AM..............boy, I sure hope he doesn't bother Gramma and I though. I need a good rest from having to yell at those creepy dogs, PLUS that Larry guy again.  WHEW!

hugs and loves,
Little Lady Lilly

Well, at least this story has a happy ending:

Yeah Mommy......I made it. Larry is holding me just before he finished his work at G & G's. I really don't know what he was thinking of all those other times I yelled at him so much...............all he had to do is TELL me that he had a T R E A T!!!! for me and I would've been his friend. Anyway, now he's my friend!

Little Lady Lilly

Oh, and by the does that little 9 pound dog know how to change the colors of the type?  THAT'S just not right!  If she can do this, what could her 100 pound 'cousin' do if she was to visit?  Amazing!

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