Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hmmm Global Warming you say......

Call me crazy but didn't I tell you that we moved to North Carolina??  Yeh, I thought so, but check this out.............when I opened the blind in the bathroom this morning, here's what I was
looking at!!!           S N O W !!!   2" of beautiful white fluffy stuff sitting in an atmosphere of 20 degrees.  How cool.....literally!  I checked it out on the weather channel and it's all Canada's fault.  They sent it straight down the coast to us.  I liked it, hats off to you Canada!

Oh, but can I tell you how thrilled all the school kids were when before dawn it was announced that all schools would be closed for the day.  Amazing as it sounds, it's true, and there was no snow on the roads or driveways in my area either.  What in the world would a North Carolinian do if they got transported  to Central New York.   Yikes!!

See the little footprints in the snow?   I think that little 'creature on the right' made them.  It dawned on me as I watched my Happy Snowman flag that states across the top I Love Winter that I'll bet you little kitty is always out there and who would know........except for when it snows and we can see his footprints.  I figure that he'll not be found out, so to speak, for another couple of years when it snows here again.

It was really enjoyable to see the whole area gently blanketed with the fluffy stuff and know that it'll be 60 degrees by day after tomorrow.     So much for global warming huh?   ha ha ha

1 comment:

Thoughts from the Deep End said...

We've been trying to stay warm here too!!!
Thank heavens it will be in the 70's by Sat!!!

xo! Me