Saturday, August 23, 2008

What a Bunch of Fruits!!

Sounds kind of silly doesn't it.....but it actually is amazing to think of all the wonderful fruits that are available to us....then throw in a few nuts and a little something "cheesy" (like cottage or ricotta) and presto we have a fun-filled plate!!

Of course for those of you that don't even like fruit, it might be a stretch to think of but for most of us that salivate at simply the thought of a juicy strawberry or maybe a bite into a chilled piece of watermelon,  you get the idea.

They are different but they've all got great nutritional value and although some might be more eye appealing than another..............WHAT! you don't think the outside of a coconut is beautiful?

Each fruit in it's own way is wonderful inside.  It has an appeal all it's own and whether it's a little rough around the edges and prickly like a pear...........oh, and by the way, I wonder just how many people KNOW that in only 1 teaspoon of Prickly pear juice nectar there just happens to be enough vitamin C to give us 70% of our daily allowance?      AH HAH! I knew you didn't know that one!!

Of course there's the Ugli fruit to think about (ha ha get it, Ugli fruit) all rough and wrinkly but get beneath the skin of this cross-breed between a grapefruit and a tangerine, close your eyes and take a bite of Jamaica! 

Smooth as a baby's cheek is the luscious mango and then the all-too-bitey lemon...BUT...that lemon serves just the purpose to brighten a dish or a cool refreshing beverage now doesn't it?

It's kind of funny when you think about it............we're starting to form a little correlation here with our own family trees wouldn't you say?

Okay, maybe EVERYONE doesn't have the size family tree that I have but you've got to admit that when it comes right down to it.....................we're all just a bunch of fruits.........ha ha ha........that actually don't fall far from the tree!!

Amazing isn't it?

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