Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Squashed But Not Beaten!

Hey that's a neat title, isn't it? 
Well, not an original phrase I must admit.  2Cor 4:7-9  speaks to that issue of the heart but today I'm.......... 'talkin' to the tummy'......... and I mean yummmmee!

Isn't this bowl of squash variety amazing though!!  These came from the Charlotte regional market on Saturday.  They are beautiful!  AGAIN, we're reminded of the all the same and yet different from each other.

Just when you thought that you knew about every squash available, along comes something called Chirimen and Gold Nugget

 but THIS one has my name all over it............

Fairytale Pumpkin (which is named for it's coach-like form)......
                 a.k.a. in France as Musquee de Provence 

This one makes me want to dream up a recipe using it right now and then dress up and dance the night away.  

Where IS that shoe now?????............. I had it on just a minute ago!!

Well, anyway..............today I simply want to give all of you squash lovers and gourmet (or not) cooks something to to shine about at your dinner table. 


This scrumptious side dish will entice even the fussiest eater and it looks delightful on the plate as well. I'm a firm believer in the 'if it looks great, your guest has already half enjoyed it before the first bite' theory.

Market list:
1 butternut squash- about 2# size (choose the long necks for most meat)
1  red underripe pear  (the color is striking against the orange) 
1  chunk of fresh ginger

From time to time I might have an amazing recipe that I've found to be just
too good to simply not share with my friends.  If they're complicated...... (not my friends, silly goose, they're all complicated.......I mean the recipes) I'll make certain to give you the steps with a couple of  pictures to better help your prep, but this one is quite easy to do,
so here we go:

  • Heat 2 Tbs. butter in a large skillet and add 1 Tbs. of finely chopped fresh ginger and saute 1 min.
  •  Now add the butternut squash which you've cut up into 1 inch pieces, stir the butter, ginger and squash together; cover and cook over medium heat for approx. 10 min.  Stir gently every so often.
  • Now add the pear which you've cored and cut into 1 inch pieces as well.  Stir it all together and cover for about 5 min. until it's all tender but not mushy or ................squashed!!  get it!

Probably great with any roasted or baked meat but just to give your taste buds a tiny revitalization...............here's what we, at the Bistro of Hastings Farm shared our new side dish with:

A tasty Grilled Sirloin with Buttered n' Broiled Mushrooms

Fresh Mustard greens from the gardens where the chefs in Charlotte's finest bistros shop at.  Oh yes....nothing but the best for my Barista Man! ...sauteed with a little garlic and cracked pepper and oooooh, laah, lah!!

If you're keeping up here with Chef Wannabe, let me know what you think of this dish.

Remember.........you might feel beaten down..........

but you're ........NOT SQUASHED YET  


Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Squash is my fav!!
I'll have to give this one a try!


Isn't it Amazing! said...
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