It all began with my daughter asking the always fun statement she makes in November when she blasts out the email to her family asking for their Christmas lists. In recent years I find it amazingly enjoyable to " Walter Mitty" about fun things. In case you're not familiar ----
Walter Mitty is a fictional character in James Thurber's short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", first published in The New Yorker on March 18, 1939, and in book form in My World— and Welcome to It in 1942. It was made into a film in 1947.
Mitty is a meek, mild man with a vivid fantasy life's my newest one........
You know, I've been thinking about this new Kindle thing and for some unknown reason it just sounds like we all should have one. My family keeps laughing at me saying, oh sure, it's JUST what you should can go to the library and for free!!! take out a book. I know that and yet, just think about it for a minute:
- You have to drive to the library and back to pick up what you want so kindle saves gas!
- You can read the newspaper without sneezing so kindle saves on tissues!
- You won't have the papers laying around in a pile somewhere so kindle saves on clutter!
- You'll not have to buy paper books so kindle saves trees and you KNOW I love trees!
- Just think.......nobody has coughed or worse on the book you're holding
- It holds about a gazillion and a half books so no problem choosing which one to read and maybe the 'bestest' reason:
- It only comes in one color so I wouldn't have to agonize over which color to pick!
It just dawned on me..................
Is there a franchise for this product??? No really, because I think I should SELL it! Do you think they give employee discounts?
Sure hope so because I may not get this kindle thing AND a 60" tv you think???
Just in case Santa's not on my Walter Mitty wavelength I may default to a couple of Pampered Chef spatulas (in colors if possible) These are terrific and a pair of navy blue sweatpants and a zip up sweatshirt.
It is amazing how I can dream....while visions of sugarplums dance in her head...
As a little sidenote I will say that if I could I would truly buy two kindles: one, for my sister who as I told you reads more books in a month than others read in a year and also one for my friend Sue who reads 5 books at a time and travels all over the world, all the time!